Solid Cosmetic
The compact composition, poor or totally free of water of solid products in the cosmetic field, makes them particularly effective as their stabilized and concentrated formulas release great benefits until the end and with a very high yield, without being dispersed in the environment.
If we consider a solid cosmetic for skin care that replaces the cream, where generally water and excipients are the masters, we see that its action and effectiveness is equal to the maximum concentration of its active ingredients.
In fact, in a solid cosmetic with a moisturizing and nourishing function for the skin, its composition of simple raw materials such as vegetable oils and butters with high dermo – compatibility and with different melting points, constitutes the product itself.
The best way to take care of the skin is certainly not water, as it is waterproof. It is precisely the oils rich in unsaponifiable fractions, those fats most similar to the composition of the hydrolipidic film such as Coconut oil, Shea butter, Argan oil, Jojoba wax that represent the most active ingredients with a moisturizing action that they make the bricks more solid, which constitute our precious intercellular cement.
The choice of preferring a solid cosmetic, as we have seen, brings us closer to our nature as simple and unique Beings, putting us back in communication with a Whole to which we belong and to which we owe respect.
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