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ContraCell Anti-Cellulite Program

ContraCell Anti-Cellulite Program

The ContraCell Anti-Cellulite Program ® is a draining anti-cellulite treatment created to counteract the formation of cellulite, stagnation of liquids and adipose deposits at the base.
Consisting of a series of specific cosmetic products with a high percentage of draining, venotonic and detox plant active ingredients, the Green ContraCell® Program respects the individual basic constitution, dividing in 2 different lines:
Line Draining Blue , designed for those with visible veins and capillaries, swollen legs and ankles and edematous cellulite with stagnation of liquids.
Red Line Fat Burner , designed for those with fat deposits, advanced cellulite (fibrous and nodular), fat deposits on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, hips and arms, culotte de cheval and orange peel.
At the base of these problems we find a chronic-degenerative alteration of the connective tissue due to genetic-constitutional, hormonal factors and linked to incorrect lifestyle habits (unbalanced diet, smoking, little motion, frequent use of high heels, tight clothing) which favor its onset.

Blue Draining Line with cold action with Rusco, Centella, Escina

The Blue Line ContraCell ® with a cold effect, taking into account the underlying vascular fragility, acts on 3 fronts:
a) Through a strong VENOTONIC activity for a better elasticity of the vessels, thus increasing the resistance of the capillary walls and providing a deep refreshing and anti-inflammatory activity on vascular congestion, ideal for those suffering from visible capillaries and bruising
b) As an aid in resorption of the ‘edema, toning of tissues with stagnation of liquids and lightening of the lower limbs
c) In the modeling of the silhouette and support of atonic skin
For functional optimization, the Green ContraCell® Cold Blue Line Program is divided into 3 precise steps:
Soil detox action with Mud with cold action without rinsing that performs a work of land in the “disposal of toxins” produced by the inflammation induced by the stagnation of liquids and venotonic on the microcirculation, to be used morning and evening with a deep massage until absorbed, from the ankles to the abdomen including
Tissue oxygenation with Detox Ice enzymatic peeling with cold action , which thanks to its slow-release “cryodynamic action” and the highly antioxidant Chlorella, reactivates the slowed microcirculation, moves lymphatic stasis, drains excess fluids , thus promoting greater absorption of specific treatments. The product is used 3 to 4 times a week in the shower or tub, massaging it in a circular way from the ankles to the abdomen and leaving it to act for 10 min. Finally rinse with warm water
Final treatment with Urto Serum very rich in targeted botanical principles, specific to reduce thighs, orange peel and culotte de cheval, which is used after 15 days of continuous use of the mud and alternating peeling, massaging the product in a slightly pinched and concentrated above all on critical areas.

Red Line Fat burner with hot action with Drosera Ramentacea, Ivy, Chilli

The ContraCell® Red Line recommended for those who need an intense and anti-inflammatory fat-burning action linked to venous congestion, but do not have problems of vascular fragility, it develops on 3 fronts :
a) counteracting advanced cellulite, through a detox action on the production of toxins with drainage on the stagnation of liquids and strong stimulation of lipolytic enzymes for a REDUCING ACTION thanks to ADIPO-TRAP phytocomplex, typical of Drosera Ramentacea, a carnivorous plant that acts with the adhesive polysaccharide secretion of the trap and that of the anti-inflammatory metabolites with bio-active properties
b) acting on the venous system by strengthening the capillary walls and resorption of edema and lowering of local inflammation linked to stagnation
c) modeling the silhouette
For functional optimization, the Green ContraCell® Hot Line Fat Burner Program is divided into 3 precise steps:
Detox soil action with the No-rinse mud with hot action which carries out an intense activity in the “disposal of toxins” produced by the inflammation induced by the stagnation of liquids and by the adipose load, to be used morning and evening with a deep massage until absorbed , from the ankles to the abdomen included. It is advisable to use disposable gloves for the application of disposable gloves, paying attention to the eyes and mucous membranes, as the product creates rubescence, given by its active plant ingredients
Tissue oxygenation with the Enzymatic peeling with fat burning action , thanks to its “dynamic” and strongly antioxidant and absorbent action of white clay, it counteracts the action of free radicals produced by inflammation, reactivates slowed microcirculation, counteracts lymphatic stasis thus promoting greater absorption of targeted treatments. The product is used 3 to 4 times a week in the shower or tub, massaging it in a circular way from the ankles to the abdomen and leaving it to act for 10 min. Finally rinse with warm water
Final treatment with Thermogenic cream enhanced by the active ingredient of Drosera Ramentacea, the fat-eating plant with a high “reductive impact” that effectively counteracts fat cells, reducing their localized concentration, while acting against culotte de cheval, adipose deposits accompanied by a strong water retention. The application of the thermogenic cream is used after 15 days of continuous use of the mud and alternating peeling with disposable gloves, paying attention to the eyes and mucous membranes. The formation of a rubescence of the skin on the treated areas is linked to the heating activity of the plant active ingredients present within the formula.

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